Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Ring Necked Duck - ICI Thornton, Lancashire - 29th December 2009
Monday, 28 December 2009
Goose Watching - Marshside and N. Fylde - 28th December 2009
I started off at first light at Marshside RSPB with the intent of doing several hours Goose Watching...To my horror, I arrived to a Pea Souper with only 20ft Viability. I persevered until about 10.30 and managed to stop the Great White Egret (the same colour ringed bird that visited Brockholes in the Autumn). As it was obvious that the fog wasn't clearing, I made a quick stop at Southport Marine Lakes and managed to connect with one of the two Shag present.
adult Eurasian White-fronted Goose.
It was clear that I wasn't going to be able to search for my target White fronted Geese at Marshside, so I thought I would try the flock of Pinkfeet near to Freeport in Fleetwood where Jonny Scragg found 2 juv Whitefront on the 27th. It took about 40 mins searching the flock of about 1100 Pinkfeet before i spotted anything different. A superb adult European White Fronted Goose feeding actively in the centre of the flock. This is a lifer for me and one of my unluckiest birds throughout my birding career! Another couple of searches through the flock and I picked out Jonny's 2 European Whitefronts. Hunger was taking over, so I decided I would go round to the other side of the flock for a few scans of the back of the flock. On my very scan of the flock, I picked up a Tundra Bean Goose feeding away from the flock with a Pink foot. This was only my 3rd Bean Goose after 2 Tundra Bean Geese on Eagland Hill in 2005.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Velvet Scoter - Barrow Lodge, East Lancashire - 23rd December 2009
A female/immature Velvet Scoter turned up on what appears to be a coastal magnet! Barrow Lodge is currently no larger than a garden pond as 3/4 of the lake is frozen over. Even so, there is a large population of mallard that have certainly been welcoming to the scoter. This is my first inland Velvet Scoter and also the first record for East Lancashire. The Bird fed actively only 10 feet away throughout my visit. A superb bird and a fabulous Christmas Present to all East Lancashire Birders who get a chance to see it before it decides to have more of a seafood dinner.

Sunday, 6 December 2009
Willow Tit - Cottam Brickworks, Preston - 6th December 2009

It's a shame to have the words twitch and willow tit in the same sentence but this is the case in most parts of Lancashire. A real Fylde Scarcity!
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Rossall Point - 4th October 2009

After Saturday's wreck of Leach's Petrels off the north Fylde Coast, I was fully optimistic about my mornings sea watch off Rossall Point. The main reason for Saturday's wreck was the strong SW wind which by Sunday, had moved WNW. This therefore made the seawatching an anticlimax.
Highlights of a 2 hour seawatch - 5 Red Throated Diver flew south, 2 Red Breasted Merganser, Sandwich Tern flew south, 93 Ringed Plover, 18 Sanderling, 4 Eider, 3 Guillemot, Razorbill, 300+ Common Scoter, 32 Kittiwake, 2cy Gannet
Friday, 25 September 2009
Great White Egret - Brockholes Wetland LWT - 25th September 2009

The Bird was first seen by Carl Partington and I was able to twitch the bird an hour after it was found at 16.00. On arrival I saw the bird flying distantly away which was a bad sign but at least I got views of the bird. The bird then remained out of view but still in the area so the wait was on with Bill Aspin, Tony Disley and other regulars
Due to work responsibilities I had to leave at 16.30 so when the bird reappeared at 16.25 flying back to the river, I was extremely relieved!
The First site record for this county rarity and the 5th new species for Brockholes in 2009 - What a Year!
Monday, 7 September 2009
Fylde Coast - 7th September 2009
I intended on sea watching from Starr Gate like usual but missed the hourly train to Blackpool South by 2 minutes so I thought I would give North Shore a go. I sat about 500 metres north of North Pier in rather pleasant weather. I had expected gales and driving rain so I was wearing about 4 layers too many which was uncomfortable after 2 and a half hours sea watching.
The Weather effected birding dramatically with very few birds seen at all.
c300 Common Scoter, fem Eider, 3 Shelduck, 150 knot, 4 Sandwich Tern, Common Tern and that was about it!
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Twitch for an elusive little Yanker (=P) in South Lancashire - 30th August 2009
Martin Mere
Since the day I got back from Spain, I've wanted to catch up with the long staying 1stw Wilsons Phalarope (one of my favourite american (hence the title) waders).
Arriving on site, there was no news yet, but no news is better than bad news I suppose! We headed to Ron Barker hide as most sightings have been from here this week. Upon arrival in the hide, there was no obvious point where the gathered scopes were pointing, so I decided to keep my mouth shut and have a scan myself to see what I could pick up...not a lot. I had 3 distant Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, 3 Snipe, 4 resident Whooper Swan, 100's of Teal and Lapwing but not a great deal else. After a while we headed to InFocus to see if they had any info on the bird and to see if Tony Disley was working. (Negative on both accounts)
Apparently it has been with a couple of Ruff during its stay so I thought I would set up camp in the very empty Swanlink Hide and try to find the Ruff. Before too long, I found 11 Ruff including a very white male in almost full Breeding Plumage, and 2/3 Juvenile, but no Phalarope. I therefore decided to take some photo's of the birds in front of the hide whilst the Black Headed gulls gathered and potentially may have brought in a Med Gull
At the start of the working week, it had a 3 day absense and appeared at Marshside for a short time, so after we were pretty sure it wasn't visable or onsite, we decided Marshside was our only hope.
Arriving onsite, there was no one! We sat down in Sandgrounders Hide and had a scan amongst the 232 Black Tailed Godwit and found 3 Redshank, 4 Lapwing and a Snipe. The Teal were all in eclipse plumage so I couldn't detect anything that led to Green Winged Teal (I was hoping for at least 1 American bird today...). Apart from 2 Marsh Harrier, there was little of note so we decided it was more of a stab in the dark than a stroke of genius.
Preston Docks
Stopping off on the way back at Preston marina was purely because I had my d-SLR and I wanted some photos of the breeding Common Tern. Instead I enjoyed a ternless dock basin, but the 5 common breeding Laridae - Herring Gull (argenteus), Lesser Black Back (graellsii with possible intermedius, although more likely dark graellsii) Great Blackback (marinus), Black Headed Gull (ridibundus) and Common Gull (canus)

Since the day I got back from Spain, I've wanted to catch up with the long staying 1stw Wilsons Phalarope (one of my favourite american (hence the title) waders).
Arriving on site, there was no news yet, but no news is better than bad news I suppose! We headed to Ron Barker hide as most sightings have been from here this week. Upon arrival in the hide, there was no obvious point where the gathered scopes were pointing, so I decided to keep my mouth shut and have a scan myself to see what I could pick up...not a lot. I had 3 distant Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, 3 Snipe, 4 resident Whooper Swan, 100's of Teal and Lapwing but not a great deal else. After a while we headed to InFocus to see if they had any info on the bird and to see if Tony Disley was working. (Negative on both accounts)
Apparently it has been with a couple of Ruff during its stay so I thought I would set up camp in the very empty Swanlink Hide and try to find the Ruff. Before too long, I found 11 Ruff including a very white male in almost full Breeding Plumage, and 2/3 Juvenile, but no Phalarope. I therefore decided to take some photo's of the birds in front of the hide whilst the Black Headed gulls gathered and potentially may have brought in a Med Gull
At the start of the working week, it had a 3 day absense and appeared at Marshside for a short time, so after we were pretty sure it wasn't visable or onsite, we decided Marshside was our only hope.

Arriving onsite, there was no one! We sat down in Sandgrounders Hide and had a scan amongst the 232 Black Tailed Godwit and found 3 Redshank, 4 Lapwing and a Snipe. The Teal were all in eclipse plumage so I couldn't detect anything that led to Green Winged Teal (I was hoping for at least 1 American bird today...). Apart from 2 Marsh Harrier, there was little of note so we decided it was more of a stab in the dark than a stroke of genius.
Preston Docks
Stopping off on the way back at Preston marina was purely because I had my d-SLR and I wanted some photos of the breeding Common Tern. Instead I enjoyed a ternless dock basin, but the 5 common breeding Laridae - Herring Gull (argenteus), Lesser Black Back (graellsii with possible intermedius, although more likely dark graellsii) Great Blackback (marinus), Black Headed Gull (ridibundus) and Common Gull (canus)

Saturday, 22 August 2009
Costa Brava (+ Llieda Steppes and Los Monegros) Catalunya, Aragon Spain - 10th-22nd August 2009
For the fourth year in a row, I spent my family summer holiday in the Costa Brava of Catalunya. I must stress the term 'family holiday'. I have to fit my birding in around the family activities so luckily I am blessed with an area that is simply incredible for birds with 2 national parks with a huge variety of habitats and therefore a variety of species.
10th August
We flew in the afternoon from Liverpool John Lennon with Ryan Air to Barcelona (Gerona) and picked up a Ford Focus estate from the airport and headed off to Pau, near Roses. Obviously this meant we arrived mid-late afternoon so there was little possibilty of birdwatching so I had to make do with birding from the balcony. I ended the day on 26 for the trip, with Raven, Pallid Swift, Black Redstart and Woodchat Shrike being the most interesting birds.
11th August
Waking up at 7, I headed up the hill behind the house towards Mas Ventos (a small picknick site at the top of a large hill near to San Pere de Rodes - see August 2008 report). On the journey I added Red Backed Shrike, Dartford Warbler and Hoopoe. At Mas Ventos itself, it wasn't as exciting as last year but I did note Pied Flycatcher and Crested Tit
Woodchat Shrike
Male Red Veined Darter
At the Top of the hill, I noted what appeared to be a flood in the valley between Roses and Empuriabrava so, in the Afternoon, I went to look for it with my dad with little success so, we decided to give up and head to Mas Mata on the Aigiamolls reserve, but here there was almost no water which was a little dissapointing, with only a few waders and a couple of passerines recorded. Of other interest there were hundreds of Red Veined Darter and c5 Lesser Emperor Dragonfly which were two species that caused excitment at my local patch of Brockholes Quarry. about 45 minutes before the sunset, heading back from a game of Mini golf in Empuriabrava, I noted 4 Audouin's Gull flying out towards the coast over the south of Roses.
12th August
A Family Trip to l'Escala and the Roman/Greek ruins at St. Marti allowed an addition to my spain list of Long Tailed Tit. A very hot day prevented any proper birdwatching
13th August
Today saw my first trip to Estany de Europa, which is a set of pools and reed beds next to a sewage plant, so the rich smell of vegatable soup was ever present and remained in your nose for a day or two... this trip was at dusk and allowed us to see the Night Herons waking up with an estimated 25-30 individuals, probably quite a lot more with several birds calling from far around. Most of the birds were immature birds with only 4 birds identified as adults. With about 10 minutes before we left, a male Little Bittern flew up out of the reeds and was seen for only 3 seconds or so but seeing as this was only my second little bittern and my first male, it was a superb bird to see and one of the highlights of the trip! In the Car Park before we left, I observed at least 4 Bedstraw Hawkmoths flying around the rather bright street lamps.
immature Night Heron
Rio Muga running into the Med
14th August
A Family Trip to Barcelona saw lots of sightseeing and few birds, however we visited the Barcelona Zoo(Parc de la Ciutadella) and could hardly think without the sound of Monk Parakeet, Ring Necked Parakeet and another Species which I havn't had a positive ID of yet, but a name is all that is required as I had good views of several occasions of the species. One very interesting thing was a Crested Tit that was bathing in the same pool that a Cheetah was drinking from! In the evening I was dropped off near to Sitges, to the south of Barcelona, at Stephen Christophers house, as I was to spend Saturday around the Lleida Steppes with Catalan Bird Tours. After I arrived we quickly headed off to a local site that Stephen knew for Red Necked Nightjar. With it being late in the season, he was unsure whether they would still be displaying or even here, but c10 minutes after sun set, a pigeon sized bird flew gracefully above us with Stephen announcing that this was the bird in question. The view was only brief but certainly left an impression and a hunger to see more. shortly followed by this was a clapping noice and I saw the bird in the distance displaying! It didn't show after this but I was pleased with what I experienced and I am sure I briefly heard 'Si-Boc si-boc si-boc' of the RNN. At the same site, the churring of European Nightjar could be heard but sadly, this species was never located by site.
15th August
An early start on Saturday morning allowed us to get to our first site, Alfes (Where the birds are in northeast Spain, sitemap 11). Here we were searching for Pin tailed Sandgrouse and Little Bustard. Before long, we were seeing species that made the late summer evident and the winter soon to be present with large flocks of Red Billed Chough (seeing a flock of chough on arable land to a British Birder is a very strange experience).
Red Billed Chough
Stephens experience of the area soon stood out and spotted 2 sandgrouse in a seemingly empty field of chopped Wheat(?). There were infact 4 Pin Tailed Sandgrouse present (male, female and 2 chicks) and showed at a very pleasing distance but were difficult to photograph with such cryptic colours. Progression around the large site I spotted my first European Southern Grey Shrike, and 5 Stone Curlew in a field.
Pin Tailed Sandgrouse
Stone Curlew
We Spent a long time at the site, but no bustards were evident so we decided in the ever increasing heat to move to our second site with 1 of the 3 main targets ticked. This site was Los Monegros, in Aragon meaning we would pass into 'real' Spain. Driving along the various farm tracks, Stephen announced 'Little Bustards!' as several flashes of white were picked out behind some rather dry trees. 11 Little Bustards were in a fabulous flock and landed only 100 meters or so away from where the car flushed them. We parked in some shade and got out slowly to the sound of some very angry Hobby! 3 birds were in the air calling frantically meaning we were obviously near to their nest. I spotted several heads moving about in the long grass ahead so we moved closer to try and catch the bird in the open. After a short while, they took flight. A useful tip that Stephen taught me for Steppe Birds was to count them each time they take flight incase some stay on the ground. This time, it proved to be reliable as only 9 took flight, leaving two on the ground. Again we advanced and 1 more took flight whistling. This was the male as they have an elongated wing feather that creates a whistling note in flight, which is thought to keep a flock together. Soon followed by the female who was silent in flight.
Los Monegros
8 of 11 Little Bustard
After the Bustards we moved through the area into more suitable Black Bellied Sandgrouse habitat and picked up several Ringtailed Montagu's Harrier soaring unusually high for a harrier, but soon we spotted some small larks in a field, which turned out to be Short Toed Larks, and a Male Montagu's Harrier floated by looking incredible! The Larks were a nice addition to my spanish list.
Yellow Wing Tagged Male Montagu's Harrier
Field of Short Toed Larks
We Arrived at one of very few pools of water in the seemingly empty land and in it held thousands of Ruddy Darter, Red Veined Darter, Keeled Skimmer and 2 Emperor Dragonfly. Next to the pool was a derelict 'shack' which I think had been overtaken by some Hoopoe! There were at least 6 in there. Also there were at least 1 Spectacled Warbler in the scrub.
Watering Hole
I'll give it to you Stephen, You did take me to some simply incredible scenery!
juv Woodchat Shrike
It was getting hotter and hotter and at one point over lunch reaching 39oC! It was becoming a little frustrating that we just couldnt find any Black Bellied Sandgrouse, but we stopped on a track because Stephen said it looked good for sandgrouse. He scanned in the field for a while (I was pre-occupied with 5 Griffon Vultures moving overhead) and then announced that he had two sandgrouse flying! I quickly got onto the birds in flight noted very few features to seperate them from Pin Tailed except their call, a very warm bubbling. Moving on again we passed an olive grove and flushed at least 8 Stone Curlew, probably a lot more, and then a little further on I spotted two Black Bellied Sandgrouse that took off from the ground and landed only 100 meters away. There was a lot of heat haze but scope views were excellent showing off their black belly and the wonderful olive green back of the male. Incredibly I was watching the female and then she sat down and disappeared completely from view!
Field with male a female Black Bellied Sandgrouse
With 3/3 targets successfully found and most features noted we headed back towards Llieda stopping off for some Raptors on the way with Booted Eagle, Short Toed Eagle, Black Kite, Marsh Harrier, Griffon Vulture, Common Buzzard, Lesser Kestrel, Common Kestrel and Montagu's Harrier all being seen well. The Marsh Harrier was a very very dark juv looking almost velvet intexture similar to the melanistic/dark morph Monty's.
pale phase Booted Eagle
Back at Alfes we headed to the Dump to see if we could see the Egyptian Vulture that occasionally hunts in the area. Sadly this species didnt get on my list but a couple of pale morph juv Bonelli's Eagle gave some excitement. The great thing about the dump is the huge number of birds with almost 200 Black Kites present and several hundred white stork.
just of few of c200 Black Kite
a small percentage of White Stork at the dump
After a short time at the dump we headed back into the steppes at Alfés and pretty swiftly we spotted the 4 sandgrouse that we saw at the start of the day on the middle of the track. I was told that this species (unlike Black Bellied) is very approachable in the car...I was not mistaken and with the photo's below, you can see what I mean! FANTASTIC
family party of Pin Tailed Sandgrouse (2 juv)
male Pin Tailed Sandgrouse
closer still
even closer and a true privelage to be in such close contact with such a beautiful species.
We Headed after the 4 birds retreated, further into the site to look for Calandra lark and a roosting Red Necked Nightjar that Stephen knows is regularly there in the summer. Before long we arrived and got out of the car to look in the sites that he knew, but no sign. a little further from the car and a bird took flight, it was a nightjar showing the characteristic white patches in the wing and low flight but at the same time, rufous feathering on the back clinched Red Necked - A Bonus that I wasn't expecting after the night before's bird. We then stalked the bird as we saw where it had landed and I tried to get a record shot...You can see in the photo below that I was excited with the shake...sorry about that, the light was very poor under a tree so the shutter was slow.
Red Necked Nightjar
Western Bonelli's Warbler
At the same site we saw Western Bonelli's Warbler which I wasn't expecting but no Calandra Lark!
After this we headed back towards Sitges stopping off to try some species I needed on my spain list but in the 4.00pm heat very few birds were evident.
I ended the tour with 59 species which I was pleased with as late summer in such an arid landscape would turn up over 50 species. At the end of the trip, I was dropped off at Sitges station and I got the train to Gracia and changed to get to Figueres...thats the short story, the long story has a whole load of muck ups at Gracia station causing me to be lost in Barcelona for several hours and only just catching the last train of the day, but on a lighter note, these expeciences will help me grow haha
Thank you Stephen for an excellent day...one I will remember for a long time
16th August
After the memorable and very tiring day, Sunday was quite a lazy day but I managed to get a trip to a local reservoir to the villa in Pau where many thousand Yellow Legged Gulls bathe. Also present were c50 black headed gull, a single Med gull, little grebe, great crested grebe aswell as some lovely dragonfly (Violet Dropwing for example) and some damselfly, which I think are Common Blue, but could be mistaken. Before I left, a Red Kite flew over, a nice addition.
Me and my Dad did mange to get out and found the flood that I searched for a few days prior. This was a great site with Purple Gallinule, Yellow Wagtail(female and juvs so race was difficult), Sand Martin and most of the wetland bird that would be expected - White Stork, Gulls etc. After a short while, I got the pulse racing with another lifer in the scope - an eclipse drake Ruddy Shelduck across the flood, sadly too far for a record shot. I emailed Ricard Gutiérrez (head of the spanish rare bird commitee, 'Well, those birds are from unknown origin, but they might be well wild birds either coming from E Europe or (perhaps) introduced 'C' category elsewhere. They are not local (Spanish) escapes. I'd count them.
Thanks for the observation. They are no longer rarities in Spain (hence they do not appear in rarebirdspain.net) but the record is interesting for local news network and birds in spain blog. All the best.'
17th August - was my Brothers Birthday...no Birding today!
18th August
Little Birding was done, but on the way home from Roses, I got a Lifer at the bottom of my estate with Tawny Pipit feeding in a field!
19th August
The 19th saw me and my dad touring the Costa Brava heading south to a town called Verges. This was to look for Eleonora's Falcon which are suppost to hunt along the river in the summer. Just before entering the town, I saw a bird of prey soaring over a woodland so we made a detour down a track to see what it was - HONEY BUZZARD! There were 3 juveniles and a Common Buzzard soaring over a set of poplar woodlands. I have been trying to see one of these sinse I started listing in 2005.
We had no luck at Verges for the falcon so we decided that our best bet would be to head to the coast towards l'Estartit. We arrived overlooking Medes Island with lots of Pallid Swift and Alpine Swift overhead. After about 30 minutes I suddenly spotted a falcon in the swifts, It was certainly an unusual shape, then a second, then a third, then a fourth. A family party of Eleonora's Falcon which eventually flew across to the island. The views were pretty brief really when they were not flying away but from what I could make out, they were pale morph male, female and 2 juv. This is another species I have always wanted to see, excellent.
Medes Island, l'Estartit
Alpine Swift
After I was happy that they weren't going to come back, we headed off to the Cap de Creus. Heading 'the back way' past San Pere de Rodes, due to my knowledge that I knew Red Rumped Swallow bred at the monestary. Before too long, I heard one and ended up seeing at least 5.
We Headed off to the Lighthouse at the Cap I did a spot of seawatching and soon picked out Cory's Shearwater in an rather empty sea. I would estimate in 30 mins of sea watching, I saw 40 Cory's Shearwater which was very pleasing.
20th August - Family activities...
21st August
Waking up early, me and my dad went to Aiguamolls de l'Emporda for the first time in the holiday. I spotted two Stone Curlew in a ploughed field which showed off their camouflage very well. Unfortunatly, at the Aiguamolls themselves, there was almost no water so I didnt see anything that was anything other than an addition to the trip list e.g. curlew sandpiper. A male Iberiae Yellow Wagtail was a colourful addition to a very poor morning.
Stone Curlew
We headed to Estany de Europa and looked at the sewage pool. A scan produced two excellent species - Squacco Heron, a species that, again, I have always wanted to see, and 4 Ruddy Shelduck. At the other hides I noted Yellow Crowned Bishop (for the second year running), juv Night Heron, Great Reed Warbler.
Squacco Heron
4 Ruddy Shelduck (there are 4 there if you look!)
1000's of Mullet in the Rio Muga.
22nd August
On our final morning, we were having to leave for the airport at 7.45 so all that could be done was sit on the balcony and try to catch any final species. the best that I could come up with was a 'fire crackling' Male Black Redstart that gave a song that I have never yet heard in Britain...Fantastic!
I ended the trip with 139 species which I was very pleased as considering that On a full Birdwatching holiday in April 2008, I got 143 species.
'Where the birds are in northeast Spain' Steve West
Catalan Bird Tours - the tour company Stephen Christopher runs.
Fylde Bird Club - southern France and northern Spain 1st-10th August 2006 Trip Report
’Finding Birds in North Spain’ by Dave Gosney
10th August
We flew in the afternoon from Liverpool John Lennon with Ryan Air to Barcelona (Gerona) and picked up a Ford Focus estate from the airport and headed off to Pau, near Roses. Obviously this meant we arrived mid-late afternoon so there was little possibilty of birdwatching so I had to make do with birding from the balcony. I ended the day on 26 for the trip, with Raven, Pallid Swift, Black Redstart and Woodchat Shrike being the most interesting birds.
11th August
Waking up at 7, I headed up the hill behind the house towards Mas Ventos (a small picknick site at the top of a large hill near to San Pere de Rodes - see August 2008 report). On the journey I added Red Backed Shrike, Dartford Warbler and Hoopoe. At Mas Ventos itself, it wasn't as exciting as last year but I did note Pied Flycatcher and Crested Tit
At the Top of the hill, I noted what appeared to be a flood in the valley between Roses and Empuriabrava so, in the Afternoon, I went to look for it with my dad with little success so, we decided to give up and head to Mas Mata on the Aigiamolls reserve, but here there was almost no water which was a little dissapointing, with only a few waders and a couple of passerines recorded. Of other interest there were hundreds of Red Veined Darter and c5 Lesser Emperor Dragonfly which were two species that caused excitment at my local patch of Brockholes Quarry. about 45 minutes before the sunset, heading back from a game of Mini golf in Empuriabrava, I noted 4 Audouin's Gull flying out towards the coast over the south of Roses.
A Family Trip to l'Escala and the Roman/Greek ruins at St. Marti allowed an addition to my spain list of Long Tailed Tit. A very hot day prevented any proper birdwatching
13th August
Today saw my first trip to Estany de Europa, which is a set of pools and reed beds next to a sewage plant, so the rich smell of vegatable soup was ever present and remained in your nose for a day or two... this trip was at dusk and allowed us to see the Night Herons waking up with an estimated 25-30 individuals, probably quite a lot more with several birds calling from far around. Most of the birds were immature birds with only 4 birds identified as adults. With about 10 minutes before we left, a male Little Bittern flew up out of the reeds and was seen for only 3 seconds or so but seeing as this was only my second little bittern and my first male, it was a superb bird to see and one of the highlights of the trip! In the Car Park before we left, I observed at least 4 Bedstraw Hawkmoths flying around the rather bright street lamps.
14th August
A Family Trip to Barcelona saw lots of sightseeing and few birds, however we visited the Barcelona Zoo(Parc de la Ciutadella) and could hardly think without the sound of Monk Parakeet, Ring Necked Parakeet and another Species which I havn't had a positive ID of yet, but a name is all that is required as I had good views of several occasions of the species. One very interesting thing was a Crested Tit that was bathing in the same pool that a Cheetah was drinking from! In the evening I was dropped off near to Sitges, to the south of Barcelona, at Stephen Christophers house, as I was to spend Saturday around the Lleida Steppes with Catalan Bird Tours. After I arrived we quickly headed off to a local site that Stephen knew for Red Necked Nightjar. With it being late in the season, he was unsure whether they would still be displaying or even here, but c10 minutes after sun set, a pigeon sized bird flew gracefully above us with Stephen announcing that this was the bird in question. The view was only brief but certainly left an impression and a hunger to see more. shortly followed by this was a clapping noice and I saw the bird in the distance displaying! It didn't show after this but I was pleased with what I experienced and I am sure I briefly heard 'Si-Boc si-boc si-boc' of the RNN. At the same site, the churring of European Nightjar could be heard but sadly, this species was never located by site.
15th August
An early start on Saturday morning allowed us to get to our first site, Alfes (Where the birds are in northeast Spain, sitemap 11). Here we were searching for Pin tailed Sandgrouse and Little Bustard. Before long, we were seeing species that made the late summer evident and the winter soon to be present with large flocks of Red Billed Chough (seeing a flock of chough on arable land to a British Birder is a very strange experience).
Stephens experience of the area soon stood out and spotted 2 sandgrouse in a seemingly empty field of chopped Wheat(?). There were infact 4 Pin Tailed Sandgrouse present (male, female and 2 chicks) and showed at a very pleasing distance but were difficult to photograph with such cryptic colours. Progression around the large site I spotted my first European Southern Grey Shrike, and 5 Stone Curlew in a field.
We Spent a long time at the site, but no bustards were evident so we decided in the ever increasing heat to move to our second site with 1 of the 3 main targets ticked. This site was Los Monegros, in Aragon meaning we would pass into 'real' Spain. Driving along the various farm tracks, Stephen announced 'Little Bustards!' as several flashes of white were picked out behind some rather dry trees. 11 Little Bustards were in a fabulous flock and landed only 100 meters or so away from where the car flushed them. We parked in some shade and got out slowly to the sound of some very angry Hobby! 3 birds were in the air calling frantically meaning we were obviously near to their nest. I spotted several heads moving about in the long grass ahead so we moved closer to try and catch the bird in the open. After a short while, they took flight. A useful tip that Stephen taught me for Steppe Birds was to count them each time they take flight incase some stay on the ground. This time, it proved to be reliable as only 9 took flight, leaving two on the ground. Again we advanced and 1 more took flight whistling. This was the male as they have an elongated wing feather that creates a whistling note in flight, which is thought to keep a flock together. Soon followed by the female who was silent in flight.
We Arrived at one of very few pools of water in the seemingly empty land and in it held thousands of Ruddy Darter, Red Veined Darter, Keeled Skimmer and 2 Emperor Dragonfly. Next to the pool was a derelict 'shack' which I think had been overtaken by some Hoopoe! There were at least 6 in there. Also there were at least 1 Spectacled Warbler in the scrub.
I'll give it to you Stephen, You did take me to some simply incredible scenery!
It was getting hotter and hotter and at one point over lunch reaching 39oC! It was becoming a little frustrating that we just couldnt find any Black Bellied Sandgrouse, but we stopped on a track because Stephen said it looked good for sandgrouse. He scanned in the field for a while (I was pre-occupied with 5 Griffon Vultures moving overhead) and then announced that he had two sandgrouse flying! I quickly got onto the birds in flight noted very few features to seperate them from Pin Tailed except their call, a very warm bubbling. Moving on again we passed an olive grove and flushed at least 8 Stone Curlew, probably a lot more, and then a little further on I spotted two Black Bellied Sandgrouse that took off from the ground and landed only 100 meters away. There was a lot of heat haze but scope views were excellent showing off their black belly and the wonderful olive green back of the male. Incredibly I was watching the female and then she sat down and disappeared completely from view!
With 3/3 targets successfully found and most features noted we headed back towards Llieda stopping off for some Raptors on the way with Booted Eagle, Short Toed Eagle, Black Kite, Marsh Harrier, Griffon Vulture, Common Buzzard, Lesser Kestrel, Common Kestrel and Montagu's Harrier all being seen well. The Marsh Harrier was a very very dark juv looking almost velvet intexture similar to the melanistic/dark morph Monty's.
After a short time at the dump we headed back into the steppes at Alfés and pretty swiftly we spotted the 4 sandgrouse that we saw at the start of the day on the middle of the track. I was told that this species (unlike Black Bellied) is very approachable in the car...I was not mistaken and with the photo's below, you can see what I mean! FANTASTIC
We Headed after the 4 birds retreated, further into the site to look for Calandra lark and a roosting Red Necked Nightjar that Stephen knows is regularly there in the summer. Before long we arrived and got out of the car to look in the sites that he knew, but no sign. a little further from the car and a bird took flight, it was a nightjar showing the characteristic white patches in the wing and low flight but at the same time, rufous feathering on the back clinched Red Necked - A Bonus that I wasn't expecting after the night before's bird. We then stalked the bird as we saw where it had landed and I tried to get a record shot...You can see in the photo below that I was excited with the shake...sorry about that, the light was very poor under a tree so the shutter was slow.
At the same site we saw Western Bonelli's Warbler which I wasn't expecting but no Calandra Lark!
After this we headed back towards Sitges stopping off to try some species I needed on my spain list but in the 4.00pm heat very few birds were evident.
I ended the tour with 59 species which I was pleased with as late summer in such an arid landscape would turn up over 50 species. At the end of the trip, I was dropped off at Sitges station and I got the train to Gracia and changed to get to Figueres...thats the short story, the long story has a whole load of muck ups at Gracia station causing me to be lost in Barcelona for several hours and only just catching the last train of the day, but on a lighter note, these expeciences will help me grow haha
Thank you Stephen for an excellent day...one I will remember for a long time
16th August
After the memorable and very tiring day, Sunday was quite a lazy day but I managed to get a trip to a local reservoir to the villa in Pau where many thousand Yellow Legged Gulls bathe. Also present were c50 black headed gull, a single Med gull, little grebe, great crested grebe aswell as some lovely dragonfly (Violet Dropwing for example) and some damselfly, which I think are Common Blue, but could be mistaken. Before I left, a Red Kite flew over, a nice addition.
Me and my Dad did mange to get out and found the flood that I searched for a few days prior. This was a great site with Purple Gallinule, Yellow Wagtail(female and juvs so race was difficult), Sand Martin and most of the wetland bird that would be expected - White Stork, Gulls etc. After a short while, I got the pulse racing with another lifer in the scope - an eclipse drake Ruddy Shelduck across the flood, sadly too far for a record shot. I emailed Ricard Gutiérrez (head of the spanish rare bird commitee, 'Well, those birds are from unknown origin, but they might be well wild birds either coming from E Europe or (perhaps) introduced 'C' category elsewhere. They are not local (Spanish) escapes. I'd count them.
Thanks for the observation. They are no longer rarities in Spain (hence they do not appear in rarebirdspain.net) but the record is interesting for local news network and birds in spain blog. All the best.'
Little Birding was done, but on the way home from Roses, I got a Lifer at the bottom of my estate with Tawny Pipit feeding in a field!
19th August
The 19th saw me and my dad touring the Costa Brava heading south to a town called Verges. This was to look for Eleonora's Falcon which are suppost to hunt along the river in the summer. Just before entering the town, I saw a bird of prey soaring over a woodland so we made a detour down a track to see what it was - HONEY BUZZARD! There were 3 juveniles and a Common Buzzard soaring over a set of poplar woodlands. I have been trying to see one of these sinse I started listing in 2005.
After I was happy that they weren't going to come back, we headed off to the Cap de Creus. Heading 'the back way' past San Pere de Rodes, due to my knowledge that I knew Red Rumped Swallow bred at the monestary. Before too long, I heard one and ended up seeing at least 5.
20th August - Family activities...
21st August
Waking up early, me and my dad went to Aiguamolls de l'Emporda for the first time in the holiday. I spotted two Stone Curlew in a ploughed field which showed off their camouflage very well. Unfortunatly, at the Aiguamolls themselves, there was almost no water so I didnt see anything that was anything other than an addition to the trip list e.g. curlew sandpiper. A male Iberiae Yellow Wagtail was a colourful addition to a very poor morning.
We headed to Estany de Europa and looked at the sewage pool. A scan produced two excellent species - Squacco Heron, a species that, again, I have always wanted to see, and 4 Ruddy Shelduck. At the other hides I noted Yellow Crowned Bishop (for the second year running), juv Night Heron, Great Reed Warbler.
On our final morning, we were having to leave for the airport at 7.45 so all that could be done was sit on the balcony and try to catch any final species. the best that I could come up with was a 'fire crackling' Male Black Redstart that gave a song that I have never yet heard in Britain...Fantastic!
I ended the trip with 139 species which I was very pleased as considering that On a full Birdwatching holiday in April 2008, I got 143 species.
Collins Field Guide taxonomy
Great Crested Grebe
Little Grebe
Cory's Shearwater
Little Bittern
Night Heron
Cattle Egret
Little Egret
Grey Heron
Purple Heron
White Stork
Mute Swan
Ruddy Shelduck
Black Kite
Red Kite
Short-Toed Eagle
Griffon Vulture
Marsh Harrier
Montagu's Harrier
Marsh Harrier
Montagu's Harrier
Honey Buzzard
Common Buzzard
Common Buzzard
Booted eagle
Bonelli's Eagle
Bonelli's Eagle
Common Kestrel
Lesser Kestrel
Red legged Partridge
Little Bustard
Water Rail
Water Rail
Purple Gallinule
Common Coot
Common Coot
Stone Curlew
Black Winged Stilt
Black Winged Stilt
Ringed Plover
Little Ringed Plover
Kentish Plover
Grey Plover
Curlew Sandpiper
Little Stint
Black Tailed Godwit
Wood Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper
Common Sandpiper
Black Headed Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Audouin's Gull
Audouin's Gull
Yellow Legged Gull
Sandwich Tern
Pin Tailed Sandgrouse
Black Bellied Sandgrouse
Feral Pigeon
Black Bellied Sandgrouse
Feral Pigeon
Collared Dove
Turtle Dove
Turtle Dove
Monk Parakeet
Ring Necked Parakeet
Parakeet Sp
Ring Necked Parakeet
Parakeet Sp
Little Owl
Red Necked Nightjar
Red Necked Nightjar
Alpine Swift
Pallid Swift
Crested Lark
Crested Lark
Thekla Lark
Sand Martin
House Martin
House Martin
Red Rumped Swallow
Tawny Pipit
White Wagtail
White Wagtail
Black Redstart
Black Eared Wheatear
Blue Rock Thrush
Sede Warbler
Reed Warbler
Reed Warbler
Great Reed Warbler
Cetti's Warbler
Fan Tailed Warbler
Melodious Warbler
Sardinian Warbler
Dartford Warbler
Spectacled Warbler
Western Bonelli's Warbler
Western Bonelli's Warbler
Willow Warbler
Spotted Flycatcher
Pied Flycatcher
Pied Flycatcher
Crested Tit
Long Tailed Tit
Coal Tit
Great Tit
Coal Tit
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Southern Grey Shrike
Southern Grey Shrike
Red Backed Shrike
Woodchat Shrike
Red Billed Chough
Golden Oriole
Golden Oriole
Spotless Starling
Rock Sparrow
Spotless Starling
Rock Sparrow
House Sparrow
Tree Sparrow
Yellow Crowned Bishop
Corn Bunting
Cirl Bunting
Rock Bunting
Rock Bunting
'Where the birds are in northeast Spain' Steve West
Catalan Bird Tours - the tour company Stephen Christopher runs.
Fylde Bird Club - southern France and northern Spain 1st-10th August 2006 Trip Report
’Finding Birds in North Spain’ by Dave Gosney
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