Chris Bridge and I spent a whole day with Adrienne Stratford and Tony Cross colour-ringing young Chough all over Anglesey.
We visited 6 sites in all, with each one being somewhat of a challenge in terms of access. We abseiling into sea-caves as well as using ladders across the crashing tide from one side of a cliff to the other.
When we finally got into the caves, Tony extracted the chicks from the nest using a ladder and then we had to the wonderful tasks of fitting the birds with rings.
The combination of the extreme methods of accessing the caves, the scenary and the how we kept looking into our hands and seeing that there was a Chough in our grasp added up to one hell of an amazing day!
Between Chris and I, we ringed 18 chicks with the biggest brood being 4 chicks. I am slightly disappointed I didn't get more photos of the scenery and the routes we took into the caves as it was quite hard to believe we were descending some of the cliffs that we did...Extreme Birding!