Reading back to my post from the 10th February, I visited Llandudno in search of Snow Buntings but the best I could get was Raven and several ringed Mute Swan. There was only one bird that only had a metal ring (the other ringed birds has darvics too). I felt this could be a 'foreign' bird, so I reported it to the BTO, whom have now got back to me.

Ringing Scheme: London Ring Number: W25368 Species of bird: Mute Swan
This bird was ringed by Wychavon RG as age 2nd year, sex Unknown on 24-Mar-2010 at River Severn, Worcester, Worcestershire
OS Map reference SO8454, co-ordinates 52deg 11min N 2deg 14min W.
It was found on 10-Feb-2011 at Llandudno, Conwy
OS Map reference SH7781, co-ordinates 53deg 19min N 3deg 51min W.
It was found 323 days after it was ringed, 167 km from the ringing site, direction NW.
This is certainly an interesting record, as you don't really expect Mute Swans to cover a great distance.
[I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kane Brides and his auntie Janine for their hospitality over the past week during the Ringing Marathon in the North West. It was one of the best weeks of my life and have enjoyed some experiences that I never thought I would like hand catching Mute Swans...
Day 5 of the ringing involved one last trip to Kane's feeding station at Shakerley where we added 2 male Bullfinch and a Robin to the species list of the weeks ringing.
Totals - 154 birds from 26 species...awesome week!]
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