Monday, 28 May 2012

Two 300's in a week! - 300th Post - 28th May 2012

Yesterday evening, I noticed that I was on 299 blog posts, so my next one had better be a good one! I woke up at 05.00 this morning, watched the sun rise and caught the first train to Llandudno to head up the Great Orme. With continued hot sunny weather and a steady ESE breeze, I had high hopes that I would find something juicy to make my 300th post a bit special.
Arriving in the cemetery, I met up with Marc, discussing the Buzzard sp from the Bird Race which after a hell of a lot of research and opinions from experts, it appears to be a weird/shot 2cy Common Buzzard!
We saw Spotted Flycatcher and several singing Lesser Whitethroat.
Walking up to the limestone pavement I picked up 5 Tree Pipit and 3 Wheatear. Sadly, this was about it for migrants and it was all a bit of a disappointment. It was even more of a disappointment when I hear a distant purring that instantly sounded like Bee-eater. I scanned frantically and listened out for anything, but it weirdly turned out to be a strange calling House Martin! Either I was hearing an uncharacteristic call, or I heard a purr and jumped to Bee-eater as that was one of my possible predictions last night.

Despite seeing nothing incredible, it was very nice to be out on such a glorious morning and also nice to finish the day with watching the Olympic Torch passing through Bangor.

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