Monday 18 June 2012

Entemology - Foulshaw Moss - 18th June 2012

I visited Foulshaw Moss today in search of White-faced Darter dragonfly. Sadly they have not yet emerged so wasn't able to see these infamous odonata. I did however get a chance to have a second look at Large Heath which I last saw on the day I got bitten an Adder last year, so the views weren't exactly prolonged!
Today however, I was able to get really close an personal with these rather flighty butterflies. Other lepidoptera included Laticed Heath and Green-veined White.
Foulshaw is a great place to see Emerald Damselfly so was able to get some pleasing shots of these pretty damselfly.

4 commoner species of damselfly were also present including lots of Azure Damselfly, Large Red Damselfly and smaller numbers of Common Blue Damsel and Blue Tailed Damsel. In addition, there were lots of Four-spotted Chaser reeking havoc on the pools and 2 Emperors patrolling the moss.

Common Sundew Drosera rotundifolia is found all across the moss which is really interesting to see as it's one of Britain's only carnivorous plants.
In addition to these sightings, I was able to see my 18th and 19th Ospreys of the year as they flew distantly over the south of the moss and on the Kent Estuary.

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