Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Waxwings - Astley Bridge, Bolton. Lancashire - 10th March 2010

up to 9 Waxwings have been present in the Astley Bridge area of Bolton for the last 3 weeks and as I have regretably not seen any this winter, I felt dutybound to do so.
I started by checking the Asda carpark by the crossroads of the A58 and A666, but no joy, so I drove into Topps Tiles and saw a few assembled photographers. Within moments I could hear the trill of Waxwings and managed to see and photograph 8 birds in total. As per usual, the birds were very tame and I was able to be less that 10 feet away at times and they just sat there patiently eating berries. Everytime I see Waxwings, I come away saying 'They are just so lovely in every way and are certainly my favourite bird!'


Robs Birding said...

Hi Zac , well done on the Waxwings and great pictures too

Richard King said...

Wonderful shots. Waxwings always look so smooth, a lot like our Australian woodswallows.

Stuart Price said...

Nice find, I see these most winters in Japan but none turned up this year alas........

Anne said...

Lovely pictures Zac.