Saturday 1 September 2012

Kvismare fågelstation, Sweden - Day 51

1cy male Bluethroat (Blåhake)
wing and tail of the Bluethroat (Blåhake)
Stunning throat of Bluethroat (Blåhake)
1cy male (Continental) Coal Tit Periparus ater ater (Svartmes)
Wing of Coal Tit - Note 'extensive' black to the bases of the Lesser Coverts sexing this as male and outer two juvenile Greater Coverts ageing this as a 1cy.
The almost Navy Blue mantle of the Continental race of Coal Tit makes this race look incredibly different to 'ours'

Hectar and I went to Öby Kulle this morning whilst Craig, Heather, Tage and 3 newly arrived Austrian and German girls went to Vallen
Hectar and I only managed to catch 15 birds including 3 recaptures, but there was some quality in our catch.
We managed to catch 2 Robins to help with Hectar's project, as well as 2 Tree Pipit and a Goldcrest which were nice, but the best bird from Öby Kulle was a fantastic 1cy male Coal Tit. I have never seen the continental race before, so it was really nice to see in the hand and note the obvious differences between the British race and the Continental. The mantle and tail colour seen almost navy in some lights and there appears to be much more extensive black on the head and breast.

I got a phone call from Craig to tell me that they'd caught a Bluethroat at Vallen and I should head down! I essentially sprinted there with Hectar in tow, and was amazed when I arrived that they had left the bird unringed so that I could ring it! I was overwhelmed as I have wanted to see one of these in the hand since I started ringing, and the fact that I was able to ring and process it was just amazing!
Without a doubt one of the top 5 birds I have ever ringed and one of my favourite birds of all time.

I can't thank Craig enough for getting in contact with me and letting me ring it.

Not sure I'm going to beat that between now and Monday when I fly home! If I can beat it, then I will be more than happy to blog about it!


Marc Heath said...

A Bluethroat, one of my most wanted patch birds to see at Reculver, nice shots.

Zac Hinchcliffe said...

Hi Marc. Bluethroat has got to be one of my all time favourite birds... I feel incredibly lucky and priveleged to have been able to handle such an incredible bird. Further proof that the Luscinia genus is one of the most amazing genera of them all!